Zhenguo Zhang's Blog
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[Linux Tips] get absolute paths

In my research, I frequently fell into occasions when I want to solve some tiny tasks or to solve tasks more efficiently. Facing the situations, the first thing I did was google search. However, from today on, I will record these solutions in my blog: for one thing, I can revisit them when I need them in future (very likely), and for another, others may also benefit from the compiled list of tips.

So, let’s start.

Today, I would like to share how to get the absolute path from a relative path. There are two commands for the purpose: realpath and readlink. One example is shown below:

readlink -f ../../folder1/file1
realpath ../../folder1/file1

The above commands will return absolute path, like the format /home/ec2-user/folder1/file1. Note, if the provided file is a symlink, then the path to the target file (the symlink points to) is returned.

Done!! 😃


  1. realpath: https://linux.die.net/man/1/realpath
  2. readlink: https://linux.die.net/man/1/readlink

Last modified on 2018-08-31

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