Zhenguo Zhang's Blog
Sharing makes life better
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As a computational biologist, I have amassed 18 years of experience in the field, working on a diverse range of research topics including

  • gene expression regulation
  • DNA methylation
  • dosage compensation
  • comparative and evolutionary genomics
  • cancer genomics
  • origin of covid-19 viruses

The publications for these studies can be found at Google scholar.

Over the course of my research, I have developed a comprehensive set of technical skills, including:

  • programming, such as R, Python, Perl, Linux/bash, etc
  • visualization, such as Rmarkdown, shiny, flexdashboard, etc
  • statistics, such as inference, hypothesis testing
  • machine learning, such as SVM, random forest, neural networks
  • phylogeny, such as phylogenetic gene trees

Why to make this website

In the course of my daily work, I have encountered numerous technical problems and have had the opportunity to learn new things. As a result, I have created this website to share my knowledge and solutions in the hopes that they may be of assistance to others.

I am grateful that the internet provides a platform for both learning and sharing, enabling individuals from all walks of life to benefit from the collective knowledge of the online community.

💪 😄 🙏 ❤️

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